Our Week in Haiti

We had an incredible week in Haiti. When I remember all that took place that week, I am overwhelmed by the faithfulness of God. A few weeks before our trip, the people of Haiti began rioting against the government because of a drastic increase in gas prices. The chaos of this event took place in Port-au-Prince, the city we were going to be flying into. We understood that what was going on in Port-au-Prince, if it continued, could cause us to have to cancel our trip. We had no power in and of ourselves to change these circumstances, but we could pray. Our God held the power to control what was going on in Haiti, and we could ask Him to make a way for us, so that we could go and share with the people of Haiti. He did. He provided safe travels and easy access into the country. He was faithful, not because we lifted up beautiful, eloquent prayers; but, because of His goodness, He heard our prayers and He saw it fit for us to go.
His faithfulness continued to show throughout the week. When we arrived in Haiti, we were told that there had been very little rain in the past several months. They needed rain. Again, there was nothing we could do to change the weather. That night, we went to the Lord in prayer. We lifted up the week before the Lord, surrendering our time to Him. And we prayed for rain. We prayed that God would provide for the community in this way. And He did. It rained three or four nights while we were there. The storms were fierce. The lightning cracked across the night sky as the thunder proclaimed loudly the might of our God. And the rain poured in abundance. God was faithful and provided in His perfect timing. One night we were at church when a rainstorm came. The church was covered with a metal roof but was open on the sides. The wind blew the rain in sideways, and everyone packed together in the middle of the church to avoid getting soaked by the storm. We worshipped and listened to the Word of God preached as the rain poured around us. It was an incredible night.
God’s faithfulness did not end here. One morning we had the opportunity to share with the people in Tent City. We split into two groups, each group with a translator, and parted ways. We went door to door, talking with the people and asking how we could pray for them. We talked to them about Jesus and asked if they knew Him and if they were connected with a local church. Many of the people we met admitted to knowing Christ, so we encouraged them to walk with the Lord daily and seek Him. As we walked, we came upon two women. We asked if they knew Christ and were involved in a local church, and they unashamedly answered, “no.” A rush of energy ran through me, and my heart began to beat rapidly. I wanted them to know Christ. I wanted to lay the Gospel bare before these women. Chandler began explaining the Gospel and what it meant to accept Christ, but they didn’t seem to care. They seemed uninterested. I thought surely they just didn’t understand. I began to share my heart with them. I told them how I had experienced this grace and how Christ had changed my life. I poured my heart out. They seemed to hear, and they seemed to understand, yet they still rejected. We prayed with the women. I prayed for their salvation, and then we continued on our way. Part of me was disheartened, because it hurt to see them reject the Gospel of Christ. The other part of me was in total shock of the boldness with which God had equipped me. All week I had been praying for boldness and confidence to share His Gospel. He was faithful. He provided the words to say and the boldness to share. He calls us to go and speak His word. We are to be faithful to this calling and trust the Lord with the rest.
Though the group I was with did not witness any salvations that morning, we saw multiple people come to know Christ throughout the week. God is faithful. He was faithful to allow us to meet and share with those who did not accept Christ. We can trust the Lord with the rest, because He is faithful.

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