Author name: brittcreative

Grief and Your Child: Four Parental Grief Principles for Sharing God’s Comfort in Loss

We often think about grief and adults, but what about when our children struggle with loss and grief? When they face life’s losses, how do they find hope when they’re hurting? In Grief and Your Child, I apply biblical principles of loss and hope to the grief experience of children and teens. The book focuses

Grief and Your Child: Four Parental Grief Principles for Sharing God’s Comfort in Loss Read More »

How Can You Believe That There Is HOPE for A Broken Marriage?

You’ve heard it said before… There are no perfect marriages. It’s true, all marriages go through hard times! The difference that exists in marriages is how the husband and wife decide to get through the hard. It’s not about how many differences there are between two spouses, it’s about how you handle those differences. The

How Can You Believe That There Is HOPE for A Broken Marriage? Read More »

Seven Tips for Navigating Gospel Conversations with Your Children

By Jarrett McNeely, Connections Pastor As a pastor, I hear this question often: “My child is starting to ask questions about their salvation and I’m not sure what to say. Can you help?”While it may seem daunting at first, having gospel conversations with your child does not have to be intimidating or overwhelming. It is

Seven Tips for Navigating Gospel Conversations with Your Children Read More »

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